These days, so many of us are feeling stressed and anxious. Don’t we all have fears we’d like to be free of? Well, we can help you.
Art Therapy is a safe, effective way of bringing peace and confidence back into our lives.
One-On-One Art Therapy sessions allow for self-exploration and expression at a deeper level in a confidential and safe space.
Art is a tool that can bring what is inside yourself outside yourself to be witnessed symbolically in a drawing in front of you. This helps you observe your experience without being overwhelmed by it.
It is a chance for you to express and explore your true feelings.
What happens in a session?
In the session, we explore together various images and symbols to discover the meaning they hold for you and what they reveal about the specific issue you’d like to work on.
What message is there for you that you may not have considered before?
We then unpack what has emerged and I support you to integrate this knowledge so that it empowers you in your life. This will help you feel more calm and aware.
I do not interpret what is in the artwork. This is a non-judgemental process where your experiences are respected and valued as your own. I believe that each one of us already has the resources and answers within ourselves and Art Therapy allows us to access them.
For children and teens, Art Therapy offers a unique youth-friendly form of therapy. It helps them to express their true thoughts, feelings, urges and experiences in a creative and playful way that is non-judgmental and non-threatening. This helps them to regain emotional balance and develop skills such as self-awareness, mindfulness, and the language to share what they feel.
It enhances their confidence and self-esteem.
* This is not a card reading in the traditional sense where I tell you what you need to do.
Expressive Heart
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